A calculated trip to Canberra

The basic calculation for this trip was when the Mazda would reach 20,000 km and thus need its second service. A twist is given to that by wanting to book the service 4 weeks out to ensure I get a courtesy car for the day of the service. So it was set for 11/7. It has been annoying that something in the car system has been set so that it gives warnings about service interval and oil change every time the car is started once I passed 10kkm after the last service/ I was able to blot it for a while but that has now come back. GRRRR. A second calculation came about with the price of diesel. Using the petrol spy app (even though the Mazda uses diesel) showed the price on Thursday 6 July to be 209.9 c/l in Mallacoota - ripping the community off? no, no not us - 178.9 in Cann River, 185.9 in Bombala and 168.9 at Costco in Canberra. The Mazda suggested we had a range of 450km and it is about 370 km to Canberra. So the decision was...