Sunday and Monday and a little on Tuesday

Excuse the boring title but that was all I could think of. Dawn on Sunday gave a nice view of Mount Ainslie to the North. The light also revealed interesting marks on the window. I assume these are bumpers on the swinging stages as the guys remove and replace the cladding. Probably not a good idea to wash the windows until the cladding project if finished. Our morning walk started with a pretty Magnolia in Glebe Park. Passed through an alley in Reid (notable for the signs about dog poop) .. .. and past some good topiary in a garden in the Northern section of the suburb. Frances returned to Lifeline Book Fair while I went for a walk to Justice Robert Hope Park. Few birds around but it was good to get three species of Acacia in flower in one image. I think they are A. ulicifolia; A. baileyana and A. melanoxylon . Bad news for the local frogs! A flowery street scene in Watson. Note that the heads-up display on my windscreen shows the 50kph li...