The Garden of the House of Franmart

Here are some flowers (and occasionally fruit) in our garden at present. I will just put the photos to start with and follow with text. The basic order is exotics followed by "natives": ie plants wihich might occur naturally in Australia, Lavender is flowering prolifically. A Euphorbia is also doing well after being split last year and transplanted around the garden. A Canna keeps up the struggle I think a Protea. Chtysanthemums: bought nearly dead as a throw-out special from Bunnings. Doing very nicely, thank you! Grapefruit flowering nicely a few weeks after being seriously pruned. The orange tree is still flowering despite ... .. being laden with fruit. A Grevillea. Another Grevillea Prostanthera doing a reasonable job of hiding the tank. A purple flowering shrub of which I can't remember the name. Also hiding the tank. A daisy! I think this is a real native A self-sown Acacia.