Lakes Entrance Trip

This post covers our visit to 'Lakes' on 2-3 August 2021. This kept us within Victoria so road works were to be expected. That lot were OK as there was actually work going on. A later section, of about 3km of "traffic hazard" marked down to 40 or 60 kph, was not acceptable and ignored by everyone. Obviously Rural Roads Victoria have not absorbed the meaning of one of Aesop's Fables . A 3 minute delay happened at Cann River where some Police checked that we were not breaching the Health Reguations. This was no surprising and a good idea as one road block covered both Princes and Monaro Highways. Our situation was non-standard but the officer worked it out quickly and was very pleasant and sensible. Down the road a bit (just before Nowa Nowa) an unusual looking vehicle tagged on behind. I couldn't initially work out if it was a Police car or not but rigorously obeyed all speed limits. Eventually I was able to become certain it was....