Cartoons in Canberra

Each year in Canberra there is an exhibition of the best political cartoons of the previous 12 months. In 2020 that was held at the Museum of Australian Democracy (aka Old Parliament House) in Barton. Frances and I took ourselves over there on 27 November. Here are my favourites. This one appealed because it so follows a friend's comment in a job interview. At the time developing a Corporate Plan was a hobby horse of the executive so my friend was able to expound at length at how he would go about developing one, and its content. Smiles all round. Then he was asked "What would you do with it?" He coldn't help himself and said "Use it to block open my office door." He didn't get the job. A feature of the exhibition was the low representation of Peter Dutton (aka Adolf Kipfler). I can only think of one actual depiction of him and this one of the foul organisation he runs. Sort of links with the first above. First Dog on the Moon ...