March Nature in the ACT and nearby

We got out and about a little in the ACT. Here some snaps of some of the natural history we saw. The first image is some habitat on Aranda Hill we visited with orchid experts on 15 March. The first orchid seen was Corunastylis clivicola . We then moved on to C. cornuta. A single Eriochilus cucullatus was also found ... ... and Speculantha rubescens. There were also some interesting birds around. Slightly outside the ACT, on a brief visit to Bungendore, I found 16 Plumed Whistling Ducks at the usual site on Trucking Yard Lane. The dam has been cleaned out so it wasn't so easy to see them but good enough views were had. Visiting Jerrabomberra Wetlands I recorded a fair diversity. The most photographically obliging bird was a Darter seen from Fulica hide. After the orchid expedition we were treated to tea and cake. Also a visit from an Australian King Parrot which happily scoffed seed from my hand....