Go East young (?) man

Following Denis Wilson's post and a subsequent email, about the orchidaceous delights of Mongarlowe which lies to the East of Carwoola, Frances, myself and the small dog took ourselves off there to see what we could find. The possible query is whether I still qualify as young (Frances is younger than me, and if anyone questions the small dog's youth, just watch her go after a wabbit)? I have decided that relativity is the go: see a helpful entry in Wikipedia to confirm that I am a spring chicken . For those coming from Braidwood it is possibly useful to know that Wilson Rd, which runs from the main street past the dunnies becomes signed as Little River Road. Google Maps and Google Earth seem to call this Budawang Rd, which caused a little confusion in my mind. However if one ploughs straight ahead along Wilson Rd all works out OK. When you get to Mongarlowe take a right turn and keep an eye out for the fire shed, going behind it to get to the cemetery....