Coast Trip of '09

As a friend was taking herself off to NZ for three weeks her house at the Coast was in need of visits to water the the garden. As always we were happy to take on this duty. The trip down was made interesting by a large bushfire burning in Morton National park just to the North of the Highway. The front of the fire was well off the road but smoke was drifting across the road for quite a few kilometres. I don't know if it was: smell of the smoke; the twisty road; the breakfast she had just before we left; or a combination of the above but the rat became renamed as the Puke Monster shortly before Bateman's Bay. Fortunately we had put a blanket down in the car. A bit of rapid scraping, and a period of driving with the windows down, saw us get to 2km from our destination without further incident. At which point - after more scraping - I decided to walk Puke Monster for the last stretch. After settling our belongings into the house we took ourselves off to Congo Point for so...