A late update

I have been as slack as all get-out in doing anything about this blog. However since I gave a few birding colleagues a roost about using blogs I have started to explore what can be done with this one. So here we are now. We have survived most of our first Winter here and have pretty much settled in to the rural lifestyle. I suspect the stuff we have been really looking forward to enjoying is just about to start happening as the trees and bulbs start blooming and then the vegetables will start growing and being harvested. I'll try to summarise the first few months with some pictu res below. The first of these is a picture of the house and the main lawn. When we first moved in the area was in a major drought so the green lawn was a major feature. Keeping the lawn in order required some attention, in ways that varied between seasons. This is how it got mowed in Summer . In Winter we got a bit of help from the locals. I think I implied that the drought had broken? This photo was taken ...