Up in the air over Canberra

The sunset on 19 November was quite pleasant: it is interesting how far te sunset has moved along te horizon since I first started looking at this in February.
On the morning of the 20th Frances drew my attention to an object poking above the trees of Reid.  I suspect they were launching from the oval opposite Campbell High

 The burner lights up the fabric,
 This is the first of the odd perspective images.  I suspect the balloon is 1km closer than the ridge of Mount Ainslie  rather than directly above it.
 Moon, balloon and Spring Hill (I think).
 As the balloon came back into view over ANU the burner got fired up again,
The second perspective shot.  I thought at this point it was going to land on an oval in ANU if there is such a thing left un-built over.  It appeared to continue to drop and then disappeared.  In fact it was well past Black Mountain and while it may be dropping it was moving away that was giving the impression of descent.
The sun also rose!  (These are out of sequence but I wanted a narrative of the balloon flight.)


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