Flannel Tree turns on a show

Today was the annual Spring Wildflower Walk arranged by the Carwoola Community for local residents.  This year we were invited to a private property "Flannel Tree" which covers a variety of habitats on the top of the Queanbeyan Escarpment.

The first stop was a wooded ridge.
Despite the apparent lack of vegetation depicted in the understorey we found a whole lot of good plants here, including an amazing selection of orchids.
Glossodia major
 Diuris sulphurea
 Diuris pardina - pretty close to 'gone over'.
I have received a comment from an orchid expert that the images I have labelled Stegostyla cucullata and S. ustulata below might in fact all be of S. moschata and simply reflect simply illustrate the range of colouration of that species.  Seems to be a good argument for 'lumping' the species!
Stegostyla (?)cucullata
 Stegostyla moschata
 Stegostyla ustulata
 Stegostyla ustulata grew in clumps in a dry watercourse.
 Petalochilus fuscatus

 Simpliglottis valida (IMHO plant of the day - well done Lynton).

 Tetratheca bauerifolia.
 Brachyscome spathulata
 Yam daisy (Microseris lancolata) with bonus hoverfly.
 Stackhousia monogyna
We then moved down the hill to a watercourse.  This 'kinder' habitat - plus probably some light grazing pressure meant the orchids were not evident here.  However there were plenty of goodies.  A couple of habitat shots to begin with.  The white flowers in the first image are officially "Endangered":  hmmmm.

 In the grassy areas Bulbine bulbosa (Bulbine lily) was growing well.
 Ranunculus lappaceus.
 Ranunculus lappaceus with bonus hoverfly
 Viola betonicifolia
 Clematis flower
 Acacia siculiformis - unusual for the area, and about at its use-by date.
Pomaderris eriocephala: there were some large specimens seen today and I actually find them attractive when in flower.  Otherwise: otherwise!
Another lily: the small vanilla lily Arthropodium minus.  (A third lily -  Wurmbea dioica, Early Nancy - was also present in heaps but I didn't take any photos of that today.  Unlike most every day in September.)
Although the Fabaceae hadn't really hit their straps in this area I felt I should include a shot of Pultenaea procumbens.
 A close up of Leucochrysum albicans tricolor showing the colour range.
 This one was hosting a Plague Soldier Beetle Chauliognathus lugubris.
I went along as the bird expert (no don't laugh, this is a serious blog) and although few birds were seen a lot were heard especially in the lower section.  I ended up recording 23 species which are listed on the Carwoola birds blog.

A most excellent morning.  Thank you very much Lybbie for the site and Lynton for organising.


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