ANPS translates Cubitum vulpei ...

... into Fox's Elbow (unlike the road sign makers who use - inter alia - Foxes Elbow or Foxe's Elbow).  Enough with the Latin: there are too many photographs of lovely things.

After this image of the basic habitat
I'll begin with the orchids as I am sure the orchid experts will want to get stuck right in to the Diuris mystery starting at the second image down.
Diuris sulphurea.
This is the mystery and I have shown three images of it in the hope this will enable someone to say what it is.  Hopefully without use of the cheaty word 'aff'.  The overall colour was like D sulphurea but it was much smaller than all the other examples of that species and it didn't have the brown spots.

This one was right at the end and referring to David Jones' big book I have concluded it is D. pedunculata, the Small Snake Orchid.  The location today was not far from Braidwood specifically mentioned as part of the range.
 Thelymitra pauciflora

  Calochilus platychilus
 Note the red spots at the back.
 Microtis unifolia (note the 2 calli and the crinkle-cut labellum)
Now into the other plants.
Drosera peltata
 Kunzea parvifolia

  Gompholobium huegelii

 Coronidium scorpioides
 Thysanotus tuberosus
 Lomandra longifolia
 Rhytidosporum procumbens
 Pultenaea subspicata, showing the range of colouration.
 A few interesting insects were out and about:

Roger Farrow has advised that this is Platybrachys sp in Family Eubrachyidae in Superfamily Fulgoroidea.
 A Lycid beetle
Where there are insects (other than lycids - which are so unpalatable to birds that other insects mimic lycids as a defence mechanism - thanks to Roger Farrow for pointing that out) there are birds to eat them!

Actually I am not sure that these dependent young Australasian Grebes would eat insects.  They did make a nice start to the day however.
 There were several clans of Whiite-winged Choughs around,  Roger found this nest.
 Leaden Flycatcher calls were evident most of the day.
 So were the calls of Sacred Kingfishers.  It took quite a stalk to get this one to pose for me.
 Here it is in action!
This egg layer was a little shy!

A great day!


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