Swathes of colour

I visited the dam in the top paddock yesterday hoping to find some Ottelia ovalifolia flowering there.  Alas the cupboard (or at least water) was bare.  However there was a lot of colour around.

The 'daisies' are in full swing.  I'd suggest clicking the images to get a bigger picture.  The first is an area of Xerochrysum viscosum - possibly an acre in extent.
 In the middle of that patch is an area covered with Chrysocephalum semipapposum with nice grey foliage.
As the kangaroos don't eat these plants I suspect they aren't greatly palatable to livestock which would annoy farmers.  However we aren't farmers so I am delighted to see these flowers.  At least they are naturally occurring here unlike St Johns Wort which is an introduction, highly invasive and equally unpalatable to stock.  (As I pull up or spray any that I find we don't have any swathes of that.)

Getting back closer to the house, the tank paddock is full of Kunzea ericoides which is doing the White Christmas thing.
As well as the mass display the flowers of Kunzea are very attractive in close up!


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