The Big 5!

This is not a post about the Big 5 animals of Africa (Lion Leopard, Buffalo, Rhino and Elephant).

Rather it is about digits and to to blow my own trumpet to announce that this blog passed 10,000 hits around 2 pm on 8 December 2011.  That excludes my own accesses to the site, whereas the counter on the posts includes 567 of them!

As far as I can work out, the 10.000th hit was from someone in Ecuador looking at a post about Yellow Daisies.  I note that thus far the blog has been visited from 99 countries (although it is difficult to determine exactly how Blogger or Sitemeter determine country of source).

The hit rate is increasing nicely, only taking 50 days to get from 9,000 hits to 10,000.  When it reached 10,000 hits there had been about 16,850 page views.


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