Back up the hill

 We are making a few visits to Canberra as the year runs down.  These are mainly due to both of us having to get medical clearance to renew our drivers licences (and in my case follow-up on an issue detected in that process).  

Departure on 19 November was slightly delayed by calling in to the official opening of the Mallacoota Endemic Garden.  The speeches etc hadn't started but there looked to be a good roll-up and the garden looked excellent.

The drive up was basically a drive.  Somewhat enlivened by several Goannas seen on and near Imlay Rd. including one small one which I had to straddle - but thankfully it looked OK after I had passed!

After unloading I went to the Arboretum to check for the Painted-snipe, which was not available.  Its friend, a Buff-banded Rail was more obliging.

A family of Australian Wood Ducks came for a swim.
An Eastern Rosella had a drink  ...
.. while a pair of Red-rumped Parrots combined the two activities.


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