A few photos

Rather than update the previous post I have decided to put some photos here.

This was the view from Canberra, about 3pm.  The hill in the foreground is in Canberra - the ones on the horizon have all been burnt out.  By this stage it was well past our place.
 Here is the house.  Notice the burnt ground beside the drive.
 My metal tool shed to the left.  Frances corrugated-plastic potting shed was to the right.
 Looking up the hill to the water tanks.  A slight scorch mark but otherwise undamaged.  This hillside was covered with Kunzea scrub.
My weather station still looks to be functional, unless the heat stuffed the operating system, which I won't know until we get power back.
 Our former camper.  Insurance is good.
On the subject of insurance the efficiency of the NRMA Insurance system is very good.  I put in a couple of claims - over the phone having no doco - on Saturday and was told two assessor businesses would be in touch.  They have both done so by 1430 on Monday, and their reps , and someone from NRMA will be visiting the property later in the week.


Sharpen said…
So glad for you that your house is still standing and your family are safe. We have just got back from Vietnam so am catching up on your news.

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