Mallacoota October 2016 (pt 1)

We have decided to leave the continual rain and cool of Carwoola and come to Mallacoota for a few days.

The most interesting part of the drive down - apart from the relatively heavy school holiday traffic as far as Nimmitabel - was the lack of torrents in the rivers.  They had a bit of flow, and there was plenty of water standing in the paddocks, but the proto-floods I had been expecting were not evident.

Blossom, mainly Clematis and some type of Fabaceae began to appear as we came down Imlay Rd but my images were not great.  I have included this one, as we had no idea what it was (and still don't).  The bush was quite tall which ruled out most of the usual suspects but Ian Fraser was nailed it as Comesperma volubile.
 After unpacking the car we went for a walk into the town.  This has probably led to us being put on some sort of watchlist, being in Victoria on Grand Final day and not sitting in front of the box drinking VB.  I don't think think these folk had a TV either.
After hearing what I thought was a Scarlet Honeyeater call a male was kind enough to become nicely visible.
We did know what these flowers were ....
 ...but couldn't remember the name "Pittosporum" but had to ask a passer-by.  Who probably wondered from where we were on day-release.  Hopefully the mnemonic 'It is the pits not remembering the name.' will help in the future.

I am confident this is Kennedia rubicunda.
Possibly Pultenaea daphnoides.
 A  Prostanthera I think.  Nope: Ian Fraser has advised (see comment) that it is Pandorea pandorana.
 Probably a Clematis.
 Definitely a Melalleuca.
Things picked up quite a bit on day 2, especially on the matter of orchids.  I will begin with a garden plant: a NSW Waratah Telopea speciossisima in the place we stay.
I found that when trying to find a Lyrebird calling it's syrinx out in the next yard.  They are uncommon in the area, but this is the first time we've had one that close.

Now a couple of bird snaps.  The first shows that a shag (or indeed a Great Cormorant) is not always lonely on a rock
 A pelican gave a close fly by to the house.  I am intrigued by the brown underside to the primaries: a young bird?
 A skink on Quarry Beach.
 I put in this shell for the mix of colours in the image.
Here is a spiffy caterpillar.
We had a try for the back of the airport but the road was closed and the detour seemed a bog so we went for Plan B: a stretch of the Mallacoota Coastal walk along the Betka River which we hadn't done before.  Here is the river.
 This is the walk.
Comesperma volubile.  I think now know that may have been to be the blue thing shown above: climbing up a shrub rather than being a shrub!
 Some pretty form of Lomandra.

 Ditto Leucopogon.
A bean!  I am inclined to think some form of Pultenaea but can't find it in any of the books we have with us.
 I have no idea at all of this one.  The leaves look rather like Pomaderris but ... HELP!  Help has come from Richard Wooton's comment: Lasiopetalum schulzenii
 Drosera sp., most likely D. auriculata.
 Now we get to the orchids: a Very Good Day.  First up is Petalochilus fuscatus (or for those whose believe DNA sequences, Caladenia fuscatus).  The King has no clothes!!!
 Bunochilus longifolius (or for those whose believe DNA sequences, Pterostylis longifolia). Ibid
 Bunochilus tunstallii (or P. tunstallii)
That judgement was made mainly on the size of the plant.  Huge - more huge than The Donald's hands!
 Then we found about 8 Spider orchids which I would call Arachnorchis tessellata but is officially Caladenia tessellata.  There is some doubt about this ID but I have included several images of this as the nominated species is threatened.  Advice has been received that it could be A/C tentaculata or A/C atrovespa.  Since a Vic Parks notice in the area mentions A/C tentaculata that is what I have chosen.

 Pterostylis oblonga, the Coastal maroonhood.
 There were also a lot of Waxlips, Glossodia major
After having lunch I went out to see how the powerline track was doing.  To my astonishment at 1530 hrs (and 25oC there were open Sun Orchids.  Thelymitra carnea (a few) and ...
 .. Thelymitra ixioides - lots!


Ian Fraser said…
Your unknowns are Comesperma volubile and Lasiopetalum macrophyllum (or something very close to that). I'm pretty sure too that your Prostanthera is Pandorea pandorana. Love the orchids, of course. And as you're on hols, I won't mention any typos...
Unknown said…
Mystery Plant Drooping Velvet-bush - Lasiopetalum schulzenii

Everybody in Mallacoota (except us) is seeing scarlet honeyeaters at the moment.
Flabmeister said…
Thanks Ian. I shall improve the labelling asap and check for typos. If there weren't any you wouldn't think it was me.

Thanks also Richard. I shall fix that also. It is particularly pleasing to get a Mallacoota resident reading the p[ost!

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