More garden flowers

This post is to give Northern Hemisphere readers - especially any under 5 feet of snow in the area East of the Great Lakes - something to look forward to in Spring.

I'll begin with a couple of Astrolomerias.  Frances has planted 4 of these and after a few years they're beginning to spread.

 This honeysuckle needs no encouragement to spread!  (In fact I have sprayed a couple of outbreaks up the block to stop it invading.)  It is pretty and has a great aroma.
Again after several years, we are getting a good show from some Acanthus.  I will try to get a decent close-up and add it later.

The Asiatic Lillies have begun to do their stuff .

This Euphorbia is going great guns in a garden bed and has got a few mates planted nearby!
The rest of these images are of various succulents in pots on the verandah.


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