A self-gratifying ad campaign

The NSW Government has launched a new anti-littering campaign.  Here are a couple of the posters the use

This is based around a pun, or possibly a double-entendre.  The premiere entendre relates to people throwing litter around.  The deuxieme entendre is covered well in this page.  The basic thrust that people who chuck litter are wankers is, I feel, pretty much beyond challenge.

We observed a particular example of onanism one Sunday morning at the junction of Widgiewa and Captains Flat Rds when a ute laden with trail bikes stopped, two youth got out chucked a can on the ground and after a couple of minutes drove off.  Presumably to wreck some of the State Forest nearby.

Here is a snap of part of this area as it looked on 24 August.
 This image comes from a bit further towards the forest, at the start of Briars-Sharrow Rd.
My guess is that 2 sacks of litter could easily be gained in about 100m of verge at each of these sites.  On Briars-Sharrow a particular contribution to litter is offered by so-called Energy Drinks with Red Bull evident but the commonest brand being V.  (Mother, which has been a noticeable component of litter in recent years wasn't evident.)

I am not saying that all the litter is down to trail bikers but these two spots are places where people can pull off the road to meet up on their way to the forest.  Hopefully I will be able to get some educational material along the lines shown above to display at the sites.

Proving that this site is fully across recent news, here is a Keep Australia Beautiful comment suggesting that folk in the ACT are relatively unlikely to go blind.  However noting the number plates on cars coming down Captain's Flat Rd on a Sunday morning its not because they have stopped anything with (inter alia) their hands, but just that they do the littering across the Territory border!


Peter Marshall said…
Keep Ausralia Beautiful are in hock to Coca Cola, so they oppose container deposit schemes.

Clean Up Australia are in hock to McDonalds, so they support CDS (Maccas don['t sell many bottles or cans) but don't support anything that would reduce the litter from takeaways.
sandra h said…
No, they aren't all going over the border. A couple of us picked up and binned various fast food wrappers and beer bottles in the car park at Lake Tuggeranong on Sunday morning when we arrived for the COG walk... Not to mention all those who don't pick up after their dogs - much evidence of that along the path.
Flabmeister said…
Thanks for comments Peter and Sandra.

When the CDS was introduced in South Australia a new road opened in the Mallee. The absence of bottles and cans along the new road was a stark contrast to the older roads.

One of the issues with takeaways is the sheer number of litter-items per 'meal': the box, each component in a wrapper; cutlery, condiments etc. Yecch

However, at least those companies, unlike some other litter generators, do contribute to the "litter therapy" if not prophylaxis.

I presume the folk at Lake Tuggers have walked there from the "family restaurant" or liquor outlet. I might try to make some notes on relative crud levels at venues around the ACT.

WRT to dog poop that isn't an issue on the roads of Carwoola as there is so much marsupial material around the occasional canine coil is not noticeable!


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