A small surgical interlude

About 10 months ago I experienced some awkward symptoms (you may be eating when reading this so I won't go into details) which ended up with a diagnosis of bilateral hernia.  In discussion with a surgeon the conclusion reached was that there was no urgency for treatment and I should carry on with our planned trip SA and to run the Melbourne Marathon.  They both happened, by which time it was nearly Christmas so I did nothing further.

Early this year Frances said I had to resolve the issue (either have the operation or get professional advice not to bother) before our trip to the UK scheduled for July.  The former was the outcome and it happened on 12 April.

It is now 2 days later and I have just walked, without undue pain, 500m so all is good.  I attribute this to the skill of the surgeon and the anesthetist.  The overall hospital experience was very unpleasant: I was reminded of reading about the special forces training courses teaching their people how to resist interrogation techniques!

This first image shows my reaction to my lunch (I can't work out why I am not wearing a top at this point - possibly they were getting me a different one):
Here is the object of my attention:
Physiologically and nutritionally it may be brilliant, but terms of presentation and taste it was around the low single digits in % appeal.

Whatever.  I expect to be back observing stuff later in the week.


Ian Fraser said…
Take care mate - hope you're back into at typical full bore very soon!
Flabmeister said…
Thanks Ian. Things seem to be going well (said hoping that my Ikea desk, which is being touched, is made of wood not textured plastic).

Bill de B said…
Your little excursion/excision hasn't dulled your wit. Hope you're on top of it soon.
Flabmeister said…
Thanks Bill. I think I am now, after a slight diversion of the road to recovery!

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