Skiers Unite: abolish Summer

The title of this post was on a bumper sticker I saw in Cooma many years ago.  In view of what is passing for weather in this area recently (and the forecast for the next week) I think any political party that had this as a policy would get elected instantly.  (On reflection, I don't think even that would save the Kenneally Government in NSW.)

My previous post contained some images from Tanzania.  I was again reminded of Tanzania this morning when I sat down after a 6km run and found the sweat pooling on the floor under my chair.  That used to occur regularly after running in DSM but is quite unusual here. I felt wearing this T-shirt was quite appropriate this morning.
However it was only 27C (80F) and 37% RH this morning.  At times in New York it was what I termed "a square run" with the temperature in Fahrenheit and the Relative Humidity in % both over 80, at 6am!

The forecast for later today is foul.  38C (100.4F) with winds averaging 40kph in the morning.  Yecch.  Not surprisingly there is a total fire-ban today: our first of the year.  Since the area is covered in 1.5m high grass which has dried off completely in the last few weeks that is a very sensible decision.  We are in area 9.
It is most unusual to see the far Western areas Green at this time of the year: they are usually all orange or red now.  Presumably the current situation reflects the amount of flood water still out there.  This also explains the lack of bans in the NE of the State (and I would expect the Local Government would require permits to light fires anyway).

The current forecast for the rest of the week is not much better.  The maximum temperature is dropping to low/mid 30s and showers  (or thunderstorms) are forecast so the humidity will be higher.  Lovely.  At least it is better than the original BoM forecast for Thursday which was for 39C, strong winds and thunderstorms.  When that was announced on the ABC TV Weather the weather presenter was quite apologetic about the situation.  However the talking head who reads the News said "Oh good.  I like the heat."  May I suggest she moves to Dubai or Doha?

 On Wednesday, in the early evening, we had a rather tropical quality thunderstorm. The first image shows the flow out of a gutter overcoming a downpipe, while the second shows the visibility in the rain (and the heavy streaking shows that I need to de-gunge a gutter).

We ended up with 15mm in about 20 minutes out of that.   As we went to bed the rain and thunder had started again and the radar image was ugly.
By 6:30am (I slept in, because the cloud cover was so thick the light seemed like 5:30) we had had another 38mm, with more forecast through the day, and indeed the next week.


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