Fotos of Phungi

We have had another period of sogginess.  Over the period 5 - 8 March we scored 52mm of rain.  This has put us level with the amount we had received by August 30 last year!  Possibly as a result of the moisture we seem to have a good collection of fungi here and there around the property.

I have few resources (limited to Fungi Down Under; P and E Grey 2008, and the related website) to identify fungi so if anyone cares to suggest names (common or Latin) I'd welcome the suggestions. In fact the people who work on Fungimap have very kindly identified - through mycolocgist Dr Tom May - these samlpesand amendments have been made in red below.

The first to really attract our notice was this one growing under a eucalypt in the top paddock.  It is about 15cm across the top.  Phylloporus sp

The next were what I have been calling Death Caps, primarily from the very white gills.  However there is no green on the cap which suggests it is a Smooth White Parasol Leucoagaricus leucothites.  It was about 10cm across the cap.Even though probably not a Death Cap this species is not going to feature on our table!  Some other member of Amanita

These little brown job were growing in our lawn.  Each cap is about 3cm across. Marasmius oreades (a Fungimap target species)

Not all fungi seem to have enjoyed the rain.  This lot, possibly Gymnopilus junoniusBoletus sp were growing nicely under some pine trees by Whiskers Creek but had 'gone over' this morning.  Several clumps had disappeared completely.  (There had been some Gymnopilus in the area but they had comlpeely disappeared and were totally unrelated to this bunch.)

The following morning was very foggy and I found these beside the top creek  The larger specimen was about 5cm across the cap.  I have no idea what family it is, let alone species!  Parasola plicatilis

The following 2 images are of a clump of fungi- taking a punt, I will say an Agaric - growing on 12 March against the trunk of a Eucalyptus mannifera. The diameter of the trunk (and thus the clump of fungi was about 40cm)  These are in fact Gymnopilus junonius (another Fungimap target species)

The final two are of a polypore - another bold punt,Boletus sp  but look at the detailed image - growing near (possibly from a root of) a dead Eucalyptus meliodora in the upper paddock.  The cap is about 10cm diameter.


Flabmeister said…
A friend who is too paranoid to have a Google account has provided the following helpful comments:

"I recognise the first of the fungi on your blog and can offer some guidance on naming. They were really common in the paddocks around Millicent (grazed Eucalypt areas) but I’m sure that they also grew on the edge of the pine forests. They could get quite large and were easy to identify from the yellow undersides. We used to call them ‘big yellow toadstools’ – don’t think that is a botanical name, more likely a very, very, very common name.

"Using the same process, I can probably identify a few of the other species. Namely – little brown, dead and largish beige flowery looking

"I am also wondering if ‘having fungi growing in the top paddock’ is a euphemism for anything?"

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